BA in Education; AA with Honors in Religion; MA in Educational Leadership
Currently teaching English, Social Studies and Religious Education at a high school in Grenada
“As I reflect on my achievement(s), I recognize that it would not have been possible had it not been for [the PETNA Foundation’s] financial and social intervention. They have played a major role in my individual development as well as they provided financial assistance and for this I am grateful.”
My name is Carlson Benjamin. Recently, I have successfully completed my Bachelor Degree in Education along with an Associates Degree in Religion with Honors.
Nicholas and Janice Braithwaite have been a great blessing and support throughout my years at college. I definitely owe my gratitude to them. They have assisted me in numerous ways which contributed to my academic success as an International Student in the United States of America. As I reflect on my achievement(s), I recognize that it would not have been possible had it not been for their financial and social intervention. They have played a major role in my individual development as well as they provided financial assistance and for this I am grateful.
The Brathwaite family was like new family to me away from my parents and my homeland, Grenada. They sought my personal interest and were always willing to lend a helping hand in the times of need. For instance, they accommodated me and my sister during school vacations. Some of the fun memories of Thanksgiving in Las Vegas with the Braithwaite’s still linger in my mind.
During my tenure at God’s Bible School, I fell sick and had to perform a realistically expensive surgery and as an International Student without insurance coverage, it was very difficult for me to meet the financial demands. Mr. and Mrs. Brathwiate were of major support to me during that curial time of my life. When they heard about my situation they did not hesitate to extend a helping hand.
Presently, I am back in my Grenada. I serve as a high school teacher, where I teach English A, Social Studies and Religious Education. I am deeply involved in the lives of young men and women to help them to become responsible citizens. I am actively involved in the Youth Ministry at two local churches. I am also in the process of attaining my Master Degree in Educational Leadership, which is being made possible through a scholarship funded by Mr. and Mrs. Brathwaite.
May God bless the Brathwaite family for their generosity. Words cannot adequately express how thankful I am. Thank you both for investing in my life!